Summary: | This book continues as volume 8 of a multi-compendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. It covers plants with edible flowers whose floral parts including the stalk and flower nectar are eaten as conventional or functional food and may provide a source of food colorant, additive or neutraceuticals. This volume covers plant species with edible flowers from families Geraniaceae to Zingiberaceae in tabular form and 82 selected species in Geraniaceae, Iridaceae, Lamiaceae, Liliaceae, Limnocharitaceae, Magnoliaceae, Malvaceae, Meliaceae, Myrtaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Oleaceae, Onagraceae, Orchidaceae, Paeoniaceae, Papaveraceae, Plantaginaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Primulaceae, Proteaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Rutaceae, Solanaceae, Theaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Typhaceae, Violaceae, Xanthorrhoeaceae and Zingiberaceae in detail. The edible species dealt with in this work include wild and underutilized crops and also common and widely grown ornamentals. To help in identification of the plant and edible parts about 250 coloured illustrations are included. As in the preceding six volumes, topics covered include: taxonomy (botanical name and synonyms); common English and vernacular names; origin and distribution; agro-ecological requirements; edible plant parts and uses; plant botany; nutritive, medicinal and pharmacological properties with up-to-date research findings; traditional medicinal uses; other non-edible uses; and selected/cited references for further reading. This volume has separate indices for scientific and common names; and separate scientific and medical glossaries. |