Summary: | The Encyclopedia of GIS features a comprehensive, authoritative treatment of this subject matter, with a simple A-Z format providing easy access to the field. Authored and peer-reviewed by world experts, the entries explain the key software, data sets, and processes used by geographers and computational scientists. Nearly 200 topics include major overviews such as Geoinformatics, Spatial Cognition, and Location-Based Services. Short entries, cross-referenced to related larger entries, define specific terms and concepts such as the Global Positioning System, Digital Elevation/Terrain Model, and Remote Sensing. Larger entries include key citations to the literature, and (online) internal hyperlinks to definitional entries and current standards. Published as a print volume with abundant black and white art, the Encyclopedia of GIS will be available simultaneously as an XML online reference with hyperlinked citations, cross-references, four-color art, links to web-based maps, and other interactive features. |