Biology : the study of life.

Corporate Author: Cyber Ed Inc.
Published: Chico,California: Cybered, Inc., 1995-2004.
Edition:Version 1.6.
Item Description:An interactive multimedia program
Title from disc label
Physical Description:1 computer optical disc: sd.col.; 4 3/4 in..
Format:System requirements for Macintosh: PowerMac, PowerPC, iMac, G3,G4; system 7.5.1 or higher; 16 MB RAM required; 2 MB of available hard disk space; mouse; monitor with 640x480 resolution at thousands of colors; CD-ROM drive (4x or better preferred); Quick Time.
System requirements for Windows: Pentium class processor; SVGA graphics card with compatible monitor with 640x480 resolution at thousands of colors; Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, NT 4.0; 16 MB RAM required (32 MB recommended); 2 MB hard disk space; mouse,sound card, CD-ROM drive.