Development potential of selected fishery products in the regional member countries of the Asian Development Bank..

Corporate Author: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme
Published: Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1977..
Series:ADB/FAO market studies ; SCS/DEV/76/11-17
Table of Contents:
  • v. 1. Report on Asian fishery products.
  • v. 2. Fishery country profiles.
  • v. 3. The international market for shrimp.
  • v. 4. The international market for tuna.
  • v. 5. The international market for crab.
  • v. 6. The international market for lobster.
  • v. 7. The international market for cephalopods.
  • v. 8. The European canned fish market.