Rapport de la Consultation technique du Conseil general des peches pour la Mediterranee sur les methodes d'evaluation de la peche aux petits metiers dans la Mediterranee occidentale, Sete, France, 13-16 mai 1986 : Report of the Technical Consultation ofthe General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean on the Methods of Evaluating Small-Scale Fisheries in the Western Mediterranean, Sete, France, 13-16 May 1986

Corporate Authors: Technical Consultation of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean on the Methods of Evaluating Small-scale Fisheries in the Western Mediterranean Sete, France, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Other Authors: Charbonnier, D., Caddy, J. F.
Published: Rome: Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, 1986 .
Series:FAO fisheries report