
Subramaniam, Subrahmaniam, Subramaniam or Subramanian (; ) is a South Indian male given name. Due to the South Indian tradition of using patronymic surnames it may also be a surname for males and females. The etymology of the name is from Sanskrit; however, a common translation is "pure, white, fresh", or "clarity in full". Proposed translation is derived from merging two common Sanskrit words ''su-bra-'' (), meaning "white, clear" or "transparent," and ''ani-ya'', meaning wearing; the name translates precisely as "person with Transparent Qualities or GOD". Subramania is one of the many names of the Hindu god Karthikeya, also known as Kumara or Murugan.

In Telugu, Subrahmaniam or Subramaniam is the transliteration of the name (closer to the Sanskrit root word). Provided by Wikipedia
by Subramanya
Published 2005
by Subramanya, K.
Published 2009
by Subramanya, K.
Published 2009
by Subramanya, K.
Published 1997