Janet Tai Landa
Janet Tai Landa is a Canadian economist, researcher and professor at York University, Toronto. She teaches the law and economics of public choice to undergraduate and graduate students. The aim of her research, for more than two decades, has been the law and economic analysis of legal institutions including culture – she investigated how the social order is achieved through social norms that are embodied in ethnic commerce networks and the exchange of gifts. She published numerous research papers on the trust, ethnicity and identity of Chinese merchants in Southeast Asia, which have been the central theme of her work on the "economy of identity." Landa's work had been praised as an important contribution to the new institutional economics literature by Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. Landa is also the founder and chief editor of Bioeconomics Journal, an international research journal that integrates biology into economics, a journal she launched in 1999 at Kluwer Academic Publishers and now published by Springer. Provided by Wikipedia