Djohan Effendi

Djohan Effendi (1 October 1939 – 17 November 2017) was the Secretary of State of Indonesia, under President Abdurrahman Wahid from 2000 to 2001. He was an Ahmadi and belonged to the Lahore branch and was an ardent advocate for the Ahmadiyya movement. He was known for having been a prominent liberal thinker of Islam in Indonesia, more specifically based in Yogyakarta and a part of the Jogja-based liberal Islamic intellectual group known as the Limited Group led by Mukti Ali. He also served as chair of the International Centre for Religious Pluralism and voiced criticism toward the issuance of the fatwa by Majelis Ulama Indonesia targeting religious pluralism in 2005.

Effendi was considered to be a senior figure amongst Indonesian liberal Islamic activists, and was characterized by Budhy Munawar Rachman as a progressive Islamic scholar and as 'militant fighter for tolerance'. His name is included in the book ''50 Tokoh Liberal di Indonesia (50 Liberal Figures in Indonesia)'' among the pioneers of the Indonesian liberal movement together with Nurcholish Madjid and Abdurrahman Wahid. Provided by Wikipedia
Published 1981
Other Authors: '; ...Effendi, Djohan...